Merick Vaughn
1 min readMar 4, 2021


Thank you for this straightforward guide on performing market research. Such succinct instructional materials are ideal for inexperienced writers. As I've found in my short tenure as a writer, (1) reading is no substitute for doing and (2) one can only absorb and implement a limited amount of information at a time.

As for the recommendations themselves...#2 is fairly intuitive, but brings up the question of contagion; some writers avoid reading comps for fear of it. Would contagion actually be a good thing in this case? I would guess that you are less fearful of narrative contagion than others.

#1 and (especially) #3, however, were not obvious to me. Comp reviews are a data goldmine. I hope, in the age of social media, that launch data will be easier to find--I expect that most modern authors would live-tweet (or otherwise broadcast) their launch experience. The elegant thing about this article is that it neatly translates into a to-do list.



Merick Vaughn

Writer. Published in the Writing Cooperative. Start writing, build your online presence, or just read more at